रैथाने सुंगुर (Indigenous Pig)

नेपालका रैथाने सुंगुरहरु जातिय हिसाबले एक सामाजिक,आर्थिक एवं सांस्कृतिक महत्व बोकेको जनावर हो । नेपालमा सामान्यतया सुंगुरहरु मासुका लागि पालिन्छन जसले मानव जिवनलाई चाहिने अपरिहार्य प्रोटिनलाई धेरै हदसम्म पुरा गर्छ । अझ विशेष गरी तराई र पहाडका केही
जातिय समुदायको जनजिवन तथा चाडपर्वमा यसको भुमिका निकै महत्वपूर्ण छ । केही समुदायहरुमा त सुंगुरलाई प्रायः विवाह उत्सवहरुमा उपहार स्वरुप पनि दिने चलन छ । केही समय अघि सिमित समुदायमा मात्र चल्ने सुंगुरको मासु हाल प्राय सबै जात जातिमा उपभोग गर्न थालेका छन् । त्यसैले कृषकहरुमाझ यसको पालन र उत्पादनमा आकर्षण बढ्न थालेको छ । नेपालमा हालसम्म पहिचान भएका तीनवटा रैथाने सुंगुरका नश्लहरु हुर्रा, च्वाँचे र बामपुड्के हुन् । हुर्रा सुंगुरहरु तराई क्षेत्रमा पाइन्छन् भने यिनीहरुको रङ्ग खिया जस्तो खैरो हुन्छ । च्वाँचे सुंगुरले कुल संख्याको प्रमखु भाग ओगटेको छ भने यिनीहरु पहाडी भेगमा पाईन्छन् । बामपुड्के जंगली प्रजाति हो जनु संसारभरमै सबै भन्दा सानो सुंगुर प्रजातिको रुपमा चिनिन्छ । यी रैथाने सुंगुरहरुको प्रजन्न गुण जस्तैः प्रति बेत बच्चा संख्या , छिटो एंव सानो उमेरमै वाली जाने, छोटो बेत अन्तर आदिका लागि धेरै राम्रा हुन्छन् । यिनीहरुको शारीरिक तौल विदेशी नश्लको तुलनामा कम हुने हुँदा घरायसी प्रयोजन तथा साना जमघटमा यसको लोकप्रियता अझ बढ्ने देखिन्छ । यिनीहरुलाई बाहिरी शारीरिक बनावट (फेनोटाइपिक) तथा क्रोमोजोमस्तरमा
वर्गिकृत गरिएको छ ।

Positive Attributes:

In general indigenous breeds are low producing than the exotics in terms of meat production. However, they have several other positive attributes such as hardiness, adaptability to local harsh conditions and can produce in low input system . It is observed that these positive attributes are not duly recognized rather exotics breeds are unnecessarily given preference over them.

Socio-cultural Significance:

The pig production system prevalent in the country can be broadly divided into subsistence (traditional) production in scavenging management and recently emerging commercial piggeries. Under the traditional subsistence production system, mostly indigenous pigs are found to be reared under scavenging management near the villages. Hurrah, Chwanche and Bampudke are the native pig breeds (Neopane and Kadel, 2008). Certain ethnic communities are found to be involved in the production of pigs under this system. Both input and output under this system are low, but have significant contribution in the household level food and nutrition security as well as for the fulfillment of the religious requirement. In some communities, pigs are even used as gift particularly during the marriage ceremony. Pig's meat (pork) used to be consumed by certain communities in the country in the past. The recently emerging and fast growing is the commercial pig production system, under which mostly exotic breeds and their various crosses are reared in the confinement with commercial feed supplementation. Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc and Hampshire are the common exotic breeds introduced for commercial production. The tribes and religion are not important in this production system, even the Brahmins youths are found to be involved in commercial piggery. Under this system, farmers are found to be keeping from few breeding sows to as large as 200 breeding sows with more than 1000 fatteners with the concept of factory farm production. Beside these systems, pig production has also been found to be integrated with fish farming in the country (Shrestha et al., 2014). On the negative side, pigs are generally blamed for environmental pollution, particularly those reared under scavenging management system. These animals contaminate water sources and waste dropped here and there in the village is a real problem for the community. Likewise, it can disturb social harmony due to noise and off odor created by pig farming in the human settlement. The most important point is these animals can help in spreading of various zoonotic diseases. However, if properly managed the risk of disease spreading and dispute due to noise and off odor can be minimized (Shrestha et al., 2014).

नेपालका रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतहरू सम्बन्धि विवरणको सारांश

च्वांचे (Chwanche)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Sus domesticus मध्य पहाड घट्दो संख्या Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View
हुर्रा (Hurrah)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Sus domesticus घट्दो संख्या Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View
बामपडु्के (Bampudke)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Porcula salvania तराई चितवन, दाङ, कैलाली, नवलपरासी (बर्दघाट सुस्ता पश्चिम) जोखिमयुक्त Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View

रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतको फोटोहरू

च्वांचे (Chwanche)

बामपडु्के (Bampudke)

हुर्रा (Hurrah)