रैथाने कुखुरा (Indigenous Poultry)

नेपालको ग्रामिण कुखुरापालन प्रणालीमा रैथाने जातका कुखुराको महत्व धेरै छ । उत्पादन क्षमता कम भएता पनि उपभोक्ता माझ यसले लोकप्रियता पाएको छ । यिनीहरुलाई मुख्यगरी मासु तथा अण्डा का लागि पालिन्छ तथा यिनीहरुले मानिसहरुका लागि पशुजन्य प्रोटिन र माटोको उर्वराशक्ति कायम राख्न मल प्रदान गर्दछन् । मुलुकमा यिनीहरुको सांस्कृतिक तथा सामाजिक मूल्य पनि उत्तिकै छ । केही नेपाली समुदायहरुमा रैथाने कुखुराका भालेहरु देवी देवताका लागि बली दिन साथै घरमा बिशेष पाहुना आउदा स्वादिस्थ परिकार खुवाउन प्रयोग हुन्छ । मुलुकमा हालसम्म पहिचान भएका रैथाने
तीन नश्लका कुखुराहरु साकिनी, घाँटी खुइले र प्वाँख उल्टे हुन् । यी रैथाने कुखुराहरु मुलुकभर पाईन्छन् र स्वादि लो मासुको लागि प्रख्याती पाएका छन् । साथै यिनीहरुको ओथारो दिने गुण, मातृत्व क्षमता राम्रो र रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक पनि हुन्छन् । यिनीहरुलाई बाहिरी शारीरिक बनावट (फेनोटाइपिक) तथा साकिनी कुखुराको डिएनए स्तरमा चरित्रि करण गरिएको छ ।

Positive Attributes:

In general indigenous breeds are low producing than the exotics in terms of meat and eggs production. However, they have several other positive attributes such as hardiness, adaptability to local harsh climatic as well as management conditions and can produce in low input system. It is observed that these positive attributes are not duly recognized rather exotics breeds are unnecessarily given preference over them. Unique organoleptic characteristics such as rich flavours and chewy texture of meat contribute to the higher popularity of indigenous chicken in many south Asian countries. Apart from these, chickens provide nutritious egg and meat for human consumption and manure for soil fertility. Unemployed youth and women can also earn an income through chicken farming. The native breed chickens are the reservoir of genomes and major genes for improvement of high yielding exotic germplasm for wider adaptableness and disease resistance while their plumage colour helps in protecting themselves against predators. The low production performance of native breeds of chickens may be improved through improvement in husbandry practices, better healthcare, and supplementary feeds during lean season and also through selection and crossbreeding (Padhi, 2016). 

Socio-cultural Significance:

Indigenous chickens, in many rural households, are kept by poor families, providing them employment, family proteins and means of increasing family economic gains. Farmers have been traditionally raising different breeds of indigenous chickens for religious purpose, family consumption and for sale. Ethnic tribes across Nepal such as Tamang, Derai, Tharu and Magar sacrifice lots of indigenous chicken that are bigger, healthy, with bright colors during various ceremonies, festivals, and for guest hospitality. Chicken and eggs provide a readily available, high quality and inexpensive source of proteins, vitamins, and micronutrients accepted by all ethnic groups and important for children and nursing mother. Chickens are the source for pest control with minimum environmental impact (Kattel, 2016). Farmers preferred to raise indigenous chickens because of unsuitability of commercial chickens for religious ceremonies extra skill, space, labor and capital requirement for commercial chickens; preference for meat and eggs of the native chickens; and the income from indigenous chickens is higher. However, the productivity of indigenous chickens is not encouraging, so more education and support on chicken keeping is essential to enhance a positive economic impact on the local communities. Socially accepted technology with sustainable environment should be worked out by government and non-government organizations for rural poultry development (Bhurtel, 1995).

नेपालका रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतहरू सम्बन्धि विवरणको सारांश

साकिनी (Sakini)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Gallus gallus domesticus तराई, भित्रि मधेश, मध्य पहाड, उच्च पहाड सामान्य Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View
घांटी खुइले (Ghanti Khuile)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Gallus gallus domesticus तराई, भित्रि मधेश, मध्य पहाड जोखिमयुक्त Phenotypic View
प्वाँख उल्टे (Pwankh Ulte)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Gallus gallus domesticus तराई, भित्रि मधेश, मध्य पहाड जोखिमयुक्त Phenotypic View

रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतको फोटोहरू

प्वाँख उल्टे (Pwankh Ulte)

साकिनी (Sakini)

घांटी खुइले (Ghanti Khuile)