रैथाने घोडा (Indigenous Horse)

घोडा एक बहुउपयोगी जनावर हो । नेपालमा रैथाने घोडाको उपयोग कृषी क्षेत्रमा प्रत्यक्ष नदेखिएता पनि यातायात नभएका पहाडी र हिमाली क्षेत्रमा कृषी सामाग्री र उत्पादीत बस्तु ढुवानीमा प्रयोग हुँदै आएको छ । रैथाने घोडाको जातहरुमा जुम्ला र आसपासका जिल्लामा पाईने जुम्ली घोडालाई सुचिकृत गरीएको छ र अन्य जिल्ला हरुमा पाईने भिन्न प्रकार तथा जातहरु पनि हुन सक्ने भएकाले अध्ययन अनुसन्धानमा निरन्तर गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ । बाहिरी शारिरीक चारित्रि करणलाई आधार बनाई हेर्दा यीनीहरु भोटेघोडा (भुटिया जात) को नजिक रहेको देखिन्छन् । जुम्लामा सरकारी तवरबाटै आयोजना हुने घोडा दौड प्रतियोगिता, त्यहा देखिने ब्यापक जनसहभागिता र पश्चिम नेपालका तराई तथा पहाडी क्षेत्रमा यसको ठुलो मागले समेत जुम्ली घोडाको महत्वलाई दर्शाउँछ । एकातिर यातायातको लागी क्रमश बाटो खुल्दै गएर गाडी चल्न शुरु भई सकेपछि यसको उपयोग केहि घटदै गएको छ भने अर्कोतिर घोडापालन कठिन भएकाले यसको निरन्तरता पाउन नसक्दा हालका बर्षहरुमा घोडाहरुको संख्या कमहुदै गएको हुन सक्ने अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ । यी रैथाने घोडाहरु गधासँग वर्णशंकर गराई खच्चर उत्पादनमा व्यापकरुपमा प्रयोग भई रहेको छ । जुम्ली घोडा मध्यम आकारको, कसिलो शरीर रहेको, मुख्य गरी सेतो, रातो र खरानी रंगका हुन्छन् । यी चलाख र कठिन ठाँउको बाटोमा समेत सजिलै हिड्न सक्छन् साथै साह्रै चिसो र गर्मी वातावरण सहन गर्ने र स्थानीय आहारा र चरनमा समेत हुर्कन सक्छन् ।

Positive Attributes:

Jumli horses are hardy in nature, has fortitude and very well acclimatize to hilly and mountain region. They are amazingly sure-footed having greater ability to hike even in snow. They are very clever and can walk in very difficult roads. They can carry average weight of 60-70 kg for 6-7 hours regularly. The healthy and adult can carry up to 80-100 kg. Due to their hardy nature, Jumli possess good health and being undemanding in nature, are easy to raise. They are resistant against diseases and parasites. They are well-adapted to unique rearing system. They are sent to jungle/ rangeland in winter season without attendants and collect in spring and summer season again by luring with fresh grass and salt.

Socio-cultural Significance:

The relationship between humans and horses has been evident in Nepal from ancient times; horses were utilized for transportation by Kings and local leaders (Kadel, 2019). King Surendra Bir Bikram Shah founded the cavalry in Nepal in 1849, and horses were utilized in battle during the 1855-56 war with Tibet. Horses fought alongside the Gurkhas in the First and Second World Wars. The Nepal Army cavalry now has the most horses in Nepal, with 107, and more are being bred at Bharatpur. The army cavalry also has its own riding school at its headquarters at the Narayanhiti Palace Museum. The former war horses today mostly have a ceremonial role in festivals, and during official ceremonies. Every year in Nepal, horse racing is organized by the Nepal Army and police at Tundikhel, Kathmandu, as part of the Ghode Jatra or Horse Parade (Ashesh 2019). According to myth, the thunderous sound of horses' hooves repels child-eating demons. Similarly, the "Yartung Festival" is a three-day horse-racing festival conducted in Mustang (Yartung Festival Mustang Trek 2021 (The Ancient Wall City of Mustang) (trekking-in-nepal.net). In Terai, a Ghodi, or feminine white horse, is used to transport the groom. In Nepal, the number of horses has decreased due to mechanization, but still horses are still used for transportation in some Himalayan settlements because of their ability to navigate through difficult terrain. They have been used for tourism as company for trekkers. They are also used to produce excellent mules (Rousseau, 2017).

नेपालका रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतहरू सम्बन्धि विवरणको सारांश

जुम्ली घोडा (Jumli Horse)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Eqqus ferus caballus मध्य पहाड, उच्च पहाड बाँके, दाङ, डोल्पा, जुम्ला, कैलाली, कञ्चनपुर घट्दो संख्या Phenotypic View

रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतको फोटोहरू

जुम्ली घोडा (Jumli Horse)