रैथाने बाख्रा (Indigenous Goat)

पशुहरु मध्ये बाख्रा एक परिचित, हुर्काउन सजिलो तथा प्राय सबै धार्मिक सम्प्रदायले मन पराउने घर पालुवा जनावर हो । बाख्रा बहुउद्देश्यीय जनवार हो । यिनीहरु विशेष गरी हिमाली र उच्च पहाडी क्षेत्रमा मासु, मल, पश्मिना र भारी बोक्नका लागि प्रयोगमा आउँछन् भने तराई र मध्य पहाडी क्षेत्रमा  बिशेष गरी बली दिन, मासु र मलको लागि धेरै मात्रामा प्रयोगमा आउँछन् । मुलुकमा हालसम्म पहिचान भइसकेका तराई देखि हि मालसम्म बाख्राका चार वटा जातहरु छन् । तराई, खरी, सिन्हाल र च्याङ्ग्रा नेपालका रैथाने बाख्राका जात हुन् भने खरी जातमा केही उपजाति वा उपप्रकारहरु पनि पहिचान भएको छ । यी जातहरु नेपालको पूर्व देखि पश्चिम तराई, मध्य पहाड, उच्च पहाड तथा हि माली क्षेत्रमा क्रमशः भेटिन्छन् । तराई र खरी बाख्राहरुको मूख्य विषेशता भनेको पहिलो पटक बोका खोज्ने उमेर छोटो, वेतान्तर कम, जुम्ल्याहा पाठापाठी उत्पादन गर्ने क्षमता आदि हुन भने सिन्हाल र च्याङ्ग्रा जातका बाख्रा चिसो हावा पानीमा सजिलै हुर्कन सक्ने र चरीचरनमा पनि राम्रो उत्पादन दिन सक्ने हुन्छन् । यी पहिचान भएका बाख्राका नश्लहरुलाई फेनोटाइपिक र डि.एन.ए. स्तरमा चारित्री करण
गरि सकिएको छ र तराई र खरी बाख्राहरुको भने क्रोमोजोम स्तरमा पनि पहिचान गरिएको छ । 

Positive Attributes:

In general indigenous breeds are low producing than the exotics in terms of meat production. However, they have several other positive attributes such as hardiness, adaptability to local harsh conditions and can produce in low input system. All identified breeds are well adopted in traditional grazing management system and spend more than 6-8 hours in pasture. They can easily convert farm and kitchen wastes; agriculture by-products, and low quality pastures into valuable meat, milk and wool. Goat meat is the most expensive item in the market in compare to any other available and preferred by almost all ethnic communities. It is also a source of hard currencies. It is observed that these positive attributes are not duly recognized rather exotics breeds are unnecessarily exaggerated over them. Sinhal goat can thrive in high Himalayan mountain region between the elevations of 1500 to 3000 masl. This is the heaviest goat breed among the indigenous goats. Similarly, Khari are more prolific among the four indigenous breeds and can adopt in different agro-climatic zones from river basin to mid-hills (1100 masl). They generally produce first kid by the age of 12-14 months with the kidding interval of 9 months. The breed demonstrates higher twinning frequency with triplet and even quadruplet is fairly common. The breed is widely used by Government and non-government organizations for poverty reduction programme in rural areas of the country as they seldom compete with human beings in cereal consumption. Terai goat is hardy in the southern hot plains of the country. They display a wide range of variation within the breed. They are well adopted in high rain fall to dry climatic condition of the Terai region. The first kidding occurs at the age of 15-16 months and kidding interval is 9-10 months. In terms of prolificacy the breed demonstrates similar ability as Khari goat. Chyangra goats are found in the trans Himalayan region of Nepal above 2400 masl and are raised under migratory system. They have coarse but silky long hair reaching up to the knees, beneath which a fine under coat is present. They are well-known for the quality cashmere (pashmina) production. It produces about 300-1130 g wool annually whereas and pashmina production is about 115-170g. The pashmina shawl is soft, warm and comfortable and priced as above from $3,000 to $15,000 (WP, 2007). They are equally recognized as means of transportation in higher Himalayan terraces where road facility rarely exists.

Socio-cultural Significance:

Goat production fits in very well in the context of rural poor due to their ability to consume low quality forage and other browsing materials normally not utilized by other large ruminants. These special features of goats provide significant economic, managerial and biological advantages. Goat meat is usually low in fat and accepted by almost all section of society. Also, goat meat is very popular and is preferred over other meat throughout the country (Dhakal et al., 1985). In many countries, goat milk is used extensively for infant feeding. It has the distinct nutritional value of in human nutrition being more digestible and having lower curd tension as compared to cow milk (Macy et al., 1953) so they are also known as the “Foster mother of man” as well as “Poor man‟s cow”. In Nepal the small farmers can raise the goats and generate income within a short period of time with least input . 

नेपालका रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतहरू सम्बन्धि विवरणको सारांश

तराई बाख्रा (Terai Goat)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Capra hircus तराई घट्दो संख्या Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View
खरी (Khari)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Capra hircus मध्य पहाड सामान्य Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View
सिन्हाल (Sinhal)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Capra hircus उच्च पहाड घट्दो संख्या Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View
च्यांग्रा (Chyangra)
वैज्ञानिक नाम पाईने स्थान पाईने जिल्लाहरु संख्यात्मक अवस्था अध्ययनको अवस्था Detail
Capra hircus उच्च पहाड घट्दो संख्या Phenotypic, DNA, Chromosomal View

रैथाने पशु आनुवंशिक श्रोतको फोटोहरू

च्यांग्रा (Chyangra)

सिन्हाल (Sinhal)

तराई बाख्रा (Terai Goat)

खरी (Khari)